Ha finalizado el periodo de inscripción a través de la página web por estar el aforo completo.

Las ponencias que se celebren en la sala plenaria se retransmitirán en directo vía streaming, a través de la WEB del Congreso (no dan derecho a certificación de asistencia). Las ponencias restantes se grabarán y se subirán a la WEB días después del Congreso.

A note about congress registration

If you encounter any difficulties while completing the registration form, please call (+34) 954 506 625.

You can also email the Technical Secretariat of the Congress at congresovg.cisjufi@juntadeandalucia.es.

Data protection

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, we inform you that:

  1. The data controller of the personal data that you provide in this form is the General Secretariat for Families, Equality, Gender Violence and Diversity of the REGIONAL MINISTRY OF SOCIAL INCLUSION, YOUTH, FAMILIES AND EQUALITY, with address at Avda. de Hytasa, no. 14, 41071 Seville, Spain.
  2. The General Secretariat for Families, Equality, Gender Violence and Diversity will process the personal data that you provide for the following purposes:
    • To process, respond to and manage your registration application for the Congress for attendance at the event. By submitting this form, you give your express consent for the processing of your data for the stated purpose.
    • To send you information about events and activities implemented by the General-Secretary for Families, Equality, Gender Violence and Diversity related to this event and other activities undertaken by the General-Secretary in the exercise of its powers.
  3. You may contact the Data Protection Representative of the REGIONAL MINISTRY OF SOCIAL INCLUSION, YOUTH, FAMILIES AND EQUALITY if you have any questions related to the processing of your personal data at the following email address: dpd.cisjufi@juntadeandalucia.es.
  4. You may exercise your right of access, your right to rectification, erasure, data portability, and your right to restrict or oppose to processing, where applicable. Additional information about the processing of your personal data, as well as how to exercise the rights referred to herein is available at the following web address: https://www.congresoestudioviolenciagenero.es/aviso-legal/
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