“Gender Violence in the Digital World”
Sevilla, 06-07 November 2024
The terms set out below seek to enable the submission of scientific and technical research papers for the International Congress 15TH CONGRESS FOR THE STUDY OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, to serve as an outline so that there is consistency across the presented papers and to facilitate their assessment by the Congress Scientific Committee.
Subject matter: “Gender Violence in the Digital World”
LThe presented research papers should focus on gender-based violence, as envisaged in Act 7/2018 of 30 July, which modifies Act 13/2007 of 26 November, on prevention and comprehensive protection measures against gender-based violence. All the papers submitted will be assessed by the Congress Scientific Committee who will apply the following criteria to select the studies, awarding a maximum of three points per criterion:
- Consistency and relevance of the work to the subject matter of the Congress
- Originality of the subject matter and/or creative approach
- Conceptual rigour and methodological precision
- Clarity of the arguments
- Scientific and technical interest
- Quality of the sources and documentary resources used
- Applicability of the subject matter to professional performance
- Relevance of the conclusions
An award will be presented to the scientific and technical research paper of greatest interest and therefore that has the highest score based on the aforementioned criteria. In the case of a tie, the Scientific Committee will make the final decision, taking into account, if necessary, the casting vote of the Chair of the Committee.
The proposals will be selected based on the submitted abstract. Applicants are, therefore, strongly encouraged to take particular care in the preparation and submission of the abstracts, as per the guidelines provided herein.
Abstract structure:
- Title
- Author
- Brief CV (maximum 500 words)
- Institution where you work
- Occupation
- Email address
- Telephone number
- Keywords or descriptors: between 5 and 10 keywords in Spanish and English (both languages)
- ract: maximum 250 words in Spanish and English (both languages)
If the organisation so decides, the winning papers may be defended at a later date, which will be announced in due course, following the in-person phase of the Congress.
The email address for the submission of the abstract and paper is:
Submission dates for research proposals:
From 01 October to 30 November 2024 (abstracts and CV)
After your proposal has been assessed by the Standing Committee, you will be informed by email if your paper has been accepted. If you do not receive a confirmation email from the organisation, it will be understood that your paper has not been selected. Once accepted, you must send the complete paper, in accordance with the requirements and formats detailed below, by the indicated date.
Format: Language: Papers may be submitted in Spanish, French, Portuguese and English, notwithstanding the abstract submission requirements.
Medium: In digital format, both in PDF and editable format (text formats: .doc and .odt; embedded tables and graphs: .xls, .ods, etc.).
- Font and size: NewsGotT – Size 12 – Normal
- Font style: Normal, expect for the title and subtitle which should be in bold
- Line spacing: 1.5, except in “notes”, “bibliography” and “figures”
- Length: The papers will have a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 15 pages
Tables and illustrations: will be numbered consecutively using numerals, in the order in which they appear in the text, and the different types of representation shall be grouped separately (e.g., Table 1, Figure 1). Tables must be accompanied by a concise title. If a table requires an explanatory text, it will appear as a footnote to the table. Illustrations must also have an explanatory footnote or legend.
Submission information: Emails must include the identification details of the abstract:
- Author(s) name(s)
- Institution where you work
- Occupation
- Brief CV (maximum 500 words)
- Email address
- Telephone number
Submission dates for complete papers: 31 January 2025
By submitting the required documentation, the applicant acknowledges that he/she has been informed about the processing of his/her personal data.
Pursuant to the provisions of the European Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, we inform you that the REGIONAL MINISTRY OF SOCIAL INCLUSION, YOUTH, FAMILIES AND EQUALITY / GENERAL-SECRETARY FOR FAMILIES, EQUALITY, GENDER VIOLENCE AND DIVERSITY, with registered office at Avenida de Hytasa no. 14, 41071 Seville, Spain, will process the data and information provided through this medium to register, organise, implement and develop the 15th Congress for the Study of Violence Against Women. This service covers all the activities necessary for the correct organisation, celebration and implementation of the event’s downstream activities, including those before and after the event. The data provided will be stored until otherwise requested and will not be disclosed to third parties, except to the members of the Scientific Committee of the 15th Congress, the event organiser and the event platform manager, or where legally required. You have the right to access your personal data, modify inaccurate information or request their deletion when the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, as well as all other rights provided under GDPR 2016/679. You can contact us at our postal address or by email at: sgfamilias.ivgd.cisjufi@juntadeandalucia.es.
For further information on our data protection policy, please visit: https://www.congresoestudioviolenciagenero.es/aviso-legal/.
The presentation and defence of the winning papers will take place, if the organisation so decides, at a public event following the Congress.
The specific time and order in which the presentations will be defended will be notified to the person concerned in advance.
The organisation may upload the selected papers to the Congress website.
Likewise, if so requested, the papers may be presented in a webinar over the online platform.
Any person who submitted a paper will receive a certificate within three months from the end of the 15TH CONGRESS FOR THE STUDY OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN.
Furthermore, when expressly requested, a specific certificate will be issued to those present their work via a webinar on the virtual platform.
The submission of the paper constitutes acceptance of the terms of this call for papers. The organisation reserves the right to reject papers that do not comply with the terms herein and/or are submitted after the deadline.
Further information:
Website: on the web page of the Regional Ministry of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality.
You can also follow the congress on social media or using the hashtag: